
Following are objectives of the Union for example, but not limited to
  • Raise awareness among exporters, importers and customs agents about working procedures within the various customs departments through holding courses and workshops
  • Activate the Arab joint agreements, including the agreement concerned with providing of facilities
  • Acting to eliminatethe hurdlesand procedural problems at the customs ports, which are considered obstacles to trade exchange between Arab countries
  • Coordinate with the relevant authorities regarding the high costs of land transport between the Arab countries
  • Providing the genuine support to the Arab Customs in terms of anti-commercial fraud and tax evasion;and establishing cooperative relations with other Arab bodies related to the Union's field of activity and activities (Food and Drug Authority, SASO, Standards and Metrology, etc.)
  • Liberalization of Arab intra-trade and elimination of obstacles and difficulties towards achievementof Arab economic integration
  • Establishment and development of media relations through the work of the website of the Union and the work of social networking pages "Social Media" (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc.) through which to discuss the latest developments in the Arab Customs and related bodies
  • Effectiveparticipation to speed up establishment of a consolidatedCustoms Union
This can be done through active participation in the development of the following policies and procedures and their entry into force, including:
  1. Standardization of customs and financial systems and procedures related to import, export and re-export
  2. A standardized tariff for foreigncountries
  3. Activation of the single point of entry where customs duties are collected
  4. Treatment of goods produced in the Arab countries as national products of the state
  5. Establishment of joint Arab joint ventures engaged in the field of investment and customs clearance

The main topics:

Some of the topics to be acted on are defined as follows:
  1. Enhancing customs relations between Arab countries on one hand and other international and regional organizations to support economic development
  2. Building potentials and development of human resources related to customs work
  3. Spreading awareness and knowledge in the field of customs clearance
  4. Curbing violations and breaches of customs and ensure protection of IPR’s
  5. Coordinating with security authorities of countries and states in terms of combating smuggling of narcotics, crimes and dangerous materials and substances
  6. Increasing the volume of trade exchange between Arab countries; and discuss programs and mechanisms achieving so
  7. Genuinely supporting the intra-trade, such as the agreement on establishment of the Greater Arab Free Trade Zone; it isan economic alliance between Arab countries to achieve economic integration and low-tariff trade
  8. Enforcement of the single window project in all Arab Customs and agreement on the unified Arab customs model
  9. Overcoming obstacles and difficulties likely to confrontthe Arab investor to ensure the return of Arab money to other countries
  10. Facilitating proceduresforissuing customs clearance licenses in the Arab region
  11. Contributing to reducing the problem of land, maritime and freighttransportnetworksbecause of their obvious impact on the promotion of inter-trade
  12. Coordination with Arab Customs and permanently with regard to customs tariff, exemptions and restricted fees
  13. Coordination with relevant authorities regarding the high costs of land transport between Arab countries to reach the stage of competitiveness with those goods imported from foreign countries

Annual Activities:

Some annual activities that effectively contribute to raise efficiency of work are as follows:
  • Establishment of an annual magazine of the Union
  • Holding conferences, seminars and meetings, which will link the roots of communication between customs and customs executives, importer and exporter
  • An annual forum to be held by setting priorities to ensure smooth flow of Arab trade and ways to enhance it
  • Holdingthe Union’s annual magazine