Customs, legal and tax advisory services:

The union provides its affiliated members with advisory services in customs procedures, import and export operations, logistical support, and the necessary data for import and export processes for customs brokers across Arab countries.
The union provides its affiliated members with legal advisory services in customs, commercial, and tax matters.
The union provides legal assistance to its affiliated members before all courts and prosecution offices in legal issues they encounter while performing their profession.
The union provides assistance in facilitating opportunities for communication and collaboration with other members in the fields of customs clearance, import and export, shipping, and transportation across Arab countries.
The union assists its members in overcoming the problems, obstacles, and challenges they face at customs points and in their professional field.
The member receives discounts on requests for preparing studies and consultancy services presented to the Advisory Council at the General Secretariat of the Union.

Insurance services, technical and logistical support:

The Union, in collaboration with Misr Insurance Company, offers discounts on medical insurance services and other benefits to the member and their family, at a level befitting the customs clearance profession.
The member benefits from facilities and discounts on services provided by local and Arab organizations and companies collaborating with the Union, such as e-commerce companies, international transportation and logistics services, academies, Arab universities, organizations, and associations related to the Union's field.

Training, capacity building and information services for members:

The member receives a 25% discount on all training courses and workshops organized by the Union, whether locally or regionally, aimed at increasing knowledge and exchanging experiences related to customs work.
The member has the opportunity to participate in the Union's regular meeting held by the General Secretariat to discuss the problems, obstacles, and challenges faced by members in the field, and to adopt the proposals submitted by members for further action.
The member is provided with the latest legal and legislative updates in the field of Arab customs clearance through newsletters and periodic updates.
An official invitation is extended to the union member to participate in events (conferences, seminars, workshops) organized by the union locally and internationally, providing members with opportunities to engage in global discussions and exchange ideas and experiences with other members from around the world.
The member receives all updates and circulars issued by Arab Customs or related authorities in their country electronically.

Promotional and informational services for members:

Member registration on the Union’s electronic platform to benefit from the services and benefits provided by the platform to affiliated members, including:

All customs laws and legislation in Arab countries
The members are provided with regular access to studies, research, and periodic bulletins prepared by the union.
The names of the union's members are published on the electronic platform, which is linked to the business sector and leading companies at the Arab level. This provides an opportunity for members to form partnerships with businessmen locally and across the Arab world.
The member is granted priority in advertising within the union's magazine with a 50% discount, after approval by the union's media committee.